A wise person once said, “Write your name on the heart of a child.” We hope to emblazon our stories there.
Emblazon is a collection of authors–some indie, some traditionally
published–who have each produced at least one children’s novel. Our audiences range from fifth grade to young adult, but we have a particular focus on ages 11 to 14. Some call them upper middle grade; others call them low young adult. They’re somewhere in the middle and can lean either way. We call them Tweens.
published–who have each produced at least one children’s novel. Our audiences range from fifth grade to young adult, but we have a particular focus on ages 11 to 14. Some call them upper middle grade; others call them low young adult. They’re somewhere in the middle and can lean either way. We call them Tweens.
To celebrate our launch, we are giving away lots of amazing books! You can win signed paperback copies AND ebooks of stories written by our authors.
Enter to win here: http://emblazoners.wordpress.com/rafflecopter-giveaway/
Please share our giveaway with anyone who enjoys a great tween read. Thank you!
Do you have a favorite tween book (ages 11 to 14)? If so, what is it?
Stay tuned every fourth Wednesday of the month for our Tween the Weekends posts, which focus on various aspects of tween books. The more people who participate in the discussions and info sharing, the better!
Note: This site will become inactive mid-August. Please follow me at my new digs at LynnKelleyAuthor.com.